Welcome To East Mountain

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internet home of Keith Osterberg

Why East Mountain?  It is the English translation of my Swedish name, Osterberg, pronounced AH*stir*burg. Over the years East Mountain has been my musical identity, my freelance media company, my alter ego.  Nowadays, I've come to think of East Mountain as a place...a place where I can go to think, to express myself, to escape and to breathe.  I'd like to invite you to join me on East Mountain now and then. 


Started 03/20/06.

How is it that a basically shy guy feels the need to get in front of a mic and sing and play?


I don't want your money...

This website sponsor encourages me to put ads on here to sell viewers stuff.  I'm not interested in selling you anything.  I want to share my music, my words, and my thoughts with you.  If I get around to producing CDs of my stuff, I just want to make enough money to cover expenses.  I'm not making music for money.  I just want to share it with others.  And I'm not a salesman, so I will keep the pop-ups, etc., down as much as possible (although I am using the free version of this, so I guess some is required.) 

Behind the Scenes

I haven't figured out metatags or much of anything to get me out there on the web search engines.  I'd like to have song clips here eventually, or URLs to places where you can hear my music.  None yet, but I'll be working on it.